Despite being a calm day, Black-footed Albatross made a great showing: during the 1000 hour, I did a slow scope scan of the entire horizon and was rewarded with ELEVEN Black-foots between the far southwest and Loma Prieta. Most of these were distant--more apparition than they were albatross--but a few were moderately close. We also had 15 Northern Fulmar, 2 Pink-footed Shearwaters, 1 Sooty Shearwater, and 4 Short-tailed Shearwaters.
Otherwise, it was a fairly quiet day. Surf Scoters put on a stronger showing than they have for a few days: 754. Other interesting waterfowl included 2 Gadwall, 2 White-winged Scoters, and a flock of 11 Common Mergansers.
On the alcid front, diversity was good today: we had 3 Rhinoceros Auklets, 2 Marbled Murrelets, 234 Common Murres, and 15 Ancient Murrelets.
The loon flight was small: 104 Red-throats and 206 Pacifics...
Other fun finds from today include 4 Surfbirds, 1 Pomarine Jaeger, 1 Red-necked Grebe, a Northern Harrier (migrating out across the bay to the NE!), 3 Tree and 2 Barn swallows, and a Pine Siskin.
See the full checklist here:
-Alison Vilag