The flight sure seems to be tapering at the Seawatch: though numbers of pretty much everything were low today, alcid diversity was quite high: we had 192 Common Murres, 6 Rhinoceros Auklets, 9 Marbled Murrelets, 2 Pigeon Guillemots, and 62 Ancient Murrelets.
A late Blue-winged Teal (a point bird, in fact, for me!) was a nice surprise in a flock of Surf Scoters (315 total today). We also had 2 White-winged and 1 Black Scoter.
The loon flight was very quiet today: 56 Red-throats and 27 Pacifics.
On the tubenose front, we had 2 Black-footed Albatross, 6 Northern Fulmars, and 1 Sooty Shearwater.
See the full checklist here:
-Alison Vilag